Law Firms and Lawyer App

CaseFox Legal Billing Software now on mobile devices. Now access every legal operation and management details from anywhere on any device.

Law Firms and Lawyer App

Login and gain insights, from anywhere

Access to your cases, clients, accounts, tasks and calendar events, all from your mobile device
Gain valuable insights from anywhere
Gain valuable insights from anywhere

Have all your law firm data even when you are away from office. Know the cases your partners are handling and gain minute details regarding the whole operations of your law firm, just in your pockets

Modernize your law practice
Modernize your law practice

CaseFox unique mobile application is made to modernize your law firm throughout. Now, you can practice your law from any mobile device as we have the entire software merged to your mobile device.

Increase your law firm’s profitability
Increase your law firm’s profitability

Being able to work from anywhere not only saves time but adds to the profitability ratio as well. Capture billable and non-billable time with effective time and expense categories all within your mobile application

Login and gain insights, from anywhere

Access to your cases, clients, accounts, tasks and calendar events, all from your mobile device

Secure mobile experience

CaseFox lets you have a seamless and secure mobile friendly user experience when it comes to managing your law firm operations.

Secure mobile experience (1)
Build a better case

Build a better case

Build better cases through effective management in one single portal. Access, upload and collaborate from anywhere.

Never miss an appointment

Stay on top of your schedule by joining meetings even being away from your desk. Have an easy glance at your firm’s calendar.

Never miss an appointment (2)
Track time constantly

Track time constantly

With CaseFox’s mobile apps, you can run the timer any time quickly no matter wherever you are on the spot.

Create invoices in a click

Create and send invoices easily through the CaseFox Application and glance all your unpaid invoices easily.

Create invoices in a click

Top client services for the best client experience

With the premium features in all the plans offering top notch client services when it comes to data migration and security,CaseFox makes your everyday practice easy.

The Legal billing solution is very user friendly as it requires the least of inputs.

Best Support
Best support

Get help from our exceptional customer support team via email or phone. We are here for you.

Data Security
Data security

Protect your client’s information and firm’s data with industry-leading security methods and protocols.

Free Data Migration
Free Data Migration

Easily transfer all your data from your existing software to CaseFox.

Sign up for a free account today!

Absolute law firm management software for attorneys and law firms
No credit card required! Our free plan is free forever.